martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

22:58 pretentious thoughts on love

There will be someone at some point in your life that will ask you about it, because they either assume that the feeling is universal or think you have experienced it. If you have, you'll probably say something rational, a practical and easy way to tell if the comfort of someone's company can be fit inside that four letter word. Others, like me, who have presumably never felt anything similar will tell you a story or sing a song and hope that you understant it in the same way they do in their fantasies. If you were to ask me, I'd probably describe it with something pretentious that I have actually rehearsed a couple of times, because when you look in her eyes you just see the sky. Yes, that's a quote I stole from a song but it accurately describes what I think it to be. It's all about our perspective, right? I guess it's kind of like "qualia", where it could be a different experience for everyone but the limitations of our languages don't allow us to communicate in what way they are different. Love is weird.

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